
Contract address

Sweet candys made by pixys deep in the forest. Pixys are fairies that are somewhat mischievous and love to sprinkle magic on sugary goods. Candys trys to be a main investor on new blockchain tokens.

Created on:
30 Jun 2021
Active orders:
274 880.0000
Release period:
10 year(s)
Hourly installment:
Already released:
6 709 444.9606
Wallet on exchange:
2 929 628.1237
Sold on the market:
3 553 754.5791
Not yet released:
3 290 555.0393
Direct buy volume:
3 937
Latest News
The token creator has not added any posts yet.
Price Overview
Top Holders
Trader Amount
1 822 540
1 340 991
49 109
24 500
18 000
17 942
11 289
9 900
9 503
8 198
Bounty campaigns
Token shop