
Contract address

Launched on 14 May 2021 eDinar is a tradable digital currency. The eDinar serves as both a medium of exchange and a store of value and claims to offer better payment prospects in retail transactions when compared to cash.

Created on:
14 May 2021
Active orders:
1 107 867.0000
Release period:
2 year(s)
Hourly installment:
Already released:
9 859 119.4758
Wallet on exchange:
3 665 297.3511
Sold on the market:
5 429 105.9351
Not yet released:
140 880.5241
Direct buy volume:
Latest News
The token creator has not added any posts yet.
Price Overview
Top Holders
Trader Amount
1 000 738
866 401
609 942
181 074
107 894
99 800
84 364
64 040
42 771
20 544
Bounty campaigns
Token shop