Dear investors and traders, today significant improvements have been made to the economic policy of the SHELLS. Development fund created (address 0x77E9969BBf8171c75d30290Bc15a75BD71730299). 8m out of 10m tokens were transferred to this address - these tokens will be blocked for and will be burned when liquid tokens are used. The exception is the listing of SHELLS on new exchanges (When listing SHELLS on a new exchange, up to 1m tokens will be unlocked and sent to the corresponding exchange address. The liquidity of SHELLS tokens on the exchange will never exceed 2m tokens)
Liquidity for buying and selling has been temporarily removed from the exchange due to high risks in these difficult times. This project continues to work.
As part of the cooperation between SHELLS and 1000x, work was carried out on the development of 10 exclusive copyright NFTs. As always, the Shells tokens (5,000 SHELLS) used as payment were burned by a transaction to the address 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001
The first burning of used SHELLS tokens was carried out. 30,000 tokens received from the sale of the painting were withdrawn from circulation by sending to an inaccessible address 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001