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SHXconnect Coin "We are Cryptocurrency." Our company is working on a platform to store digital wallets. And your phrase. Millions of dollars of cryptocurrencies are officially gone. Never to be recovered. Because of wallet and phrase being misplaced. Here at SHXconnect. We are the solution. Listen to the entertaining jingles and chimes as you navigate the features. You will be rocking as your secured. We are a tech company that's also Everything Music- Invest in a movement. Financial security, Charity and musical education are our key fundamentals. Here at SHXconnect crypto everything becomes like a melody.

Created on:
29 May 2021
Active orders:
118 540.0000
Release period:
10 year(s)
Hourly installment:
Already released:
6 733 172.0902
Wallet on exchange:
5 766 208.3857
2 005.0000
Sold on the market:
178 376.2600
Not yet released:
3 266 827.9097
Direct buy volume:
Latest News
20:09:20 07 Sep, 2021

El Salvador officially except Bitcoin as currency. We at SHX buy. Back in BTC for holders.

20:09:26 07 Sep, 2021

EL Salvador now except bitcoin as official currency. We at SHX only deal in BTC. We will buying holders in BTC. As we've been doing to non block chain tokens. Launching the "Block chain launch initiative."

03:09:54 01 Sep, 2021

SHXconnect supports and. Send congratulations to ADA making history on the stock market. Trading at $2.7