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Chance is a rewards token used to play online games such as multiplier, Slots and others. Users can add tokens to their account wallet and exchange for free plays. Chance tokens can also be used for free entries into online raffles for exclusive gifts and other prizes.

Created on:
29 May 2021
Active orders:
673 631.0000
Release period:
10 year(s)
Hourly installment:
Already released:
5 189 237.1378
Wallet on exchange:
3 198 560.1751
Sold on the market:
515 218.3926
Not yet released:
4 810 762.8621
Direct buy volume:
Latest News
18:08:39 04 Aug, 2021

Our site is complete! Currently, we are in the process of integrating the “Chance” token within the site. The new changes to mintme has thrown us a slight curveball but will benefit us greatly. We are working to switch Chance to the BNB network and migrate current holders to the new platform. Will have more updates within the week. Thank you for your patience.

02:05:51 30 May, 2021

Thank you for your interest. We are currently in development. Our website will be ready to launch July 4th 2021. In addition to our free progressive jackpot faucets, you will also be able to play numerous games with multiple prizes. Stay tuned!!