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The official coin for Lyme Disease warriors. This coin spreads awareness and gives back to those suffering from Lyme. The goal is to grow and give back to a community that’s in need of help. We are resilient and loud, this coin will grow and spread through the blood of those infected. We are a family, a team, a community that grows stronger only because we grow stronger each day. This is more than a coin it’s a life style that you wake up to everyday and live with. We are resilient, we are truth seekers, we are the community that fights government regulations for survival and spits in the face of the cdc because we don’t believe in regulations. We believe in what’s right. Lyme disease kills and this coin will be just as deadly to those that stand in our way! Let’s grow together and take over!!

Created on:
14 Jun 2021
Active orders:
2 610 157.0000
Release period:
15 year(s)
Hourly installment:
Already released:
5 446 397.7293
Wallet on exchange:
Sold on the market:
2 450 569.2019
Not yet released:
4 553 602.2706
Direct buy volume:
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