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DragonToken is a rewards token for MTCG; you can earn DragonToken through meming in social media group activities on Minds.com or using the MTCG website. Bringing back dragons for fire breathing memes. Earn on MTCG DragonToken was helped in launching to the blockchain by the following tokens: Please drop by and thank them with some support!! Keep bringing back dragons they have been gone from the world to long. All the dragon lovers should support this token, if you support dragons support the DragonToken DragonToken; MTCG Token Page MTCG Tader

Created on:
17 Jun 2021
Active orders:
403 209.0000
Release period:
2 year(s)
Hourly installment:
Already released:
9 890 362.0791
Wallet on exchange:
5 736 300.1119
2 500 105.0000
Sold on the market:
1 562 141.3166
Not yet released:
109 637.9208
Direct buy volume:
Latest News
15:06:39 30 Jun, 2022

Updated our introduction page to better reflect the project.

01:01:38 23 Jan, 2022