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MineMintTeam began an effort to bring utility to the network only just a few short months ago. We are so proud of what we have accomplished in such a short time, but we have so much more work ahead. We want to invite you guys to invest, collaborate, and profit from all the current and future projects. Every step we want to take in our journey is documented on the White Paper. Always keep an eye there as we will update the White Paper from time to time. https://minemint.app/white-paper Get ready, August 31st, 2021! MineMintToken Staking https://minemint.app/ https://minemint.app/ledger

Created on:
20 Jun 2021
Active orders:
1 756 577.0000
Release period:
10 year(s)
Hourly installment:
Already released:
4 847 144.5131
Wallet on exchange:
275 948.2744
899 284.5229
Sold on the market:
1 922 993.6914
Not yet released:
5 152 855.4868
Direct buy volume:
12 408
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