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What should i do next?

Fecha de inicio: 08.03.2021 00:08:35 | Fecha de finalización: 09.30.2021 23:09:00 | Creada por: mieserfettsack

You can vote on what my next project will be. I will not work on this myself. I will buy myself a freelancer for it. Buy a new layout for Estimated effort: 7 days Implement facet search for Estimated effort:5 days Include new feature for all theaters in German-speaking countries. Database already exists. Estimated effort: 5 days Make all my TYPO3 extensions TYPO3 11 compatible. Estimated effort. Estimated effort: 3 days Create a staging system for my TYPO3 projects: Estimated effort. Estimated effort: 5 days Just publish something new on gitlab. Estimated effort: 1-2 days



Actuales Resultados


MDYS is my private token. It was created to support me and mostly my open source work. The money that I will create with this token should ensure that I no longer do my regular work and that I only dedicate myself to OpenSource or Minteme projects. The more I am supported, the more projects can benefit from me. What I will do in detail with the money I will receive by selling the tokens Add more features to coinimp miner for TYPO3 Cover the running costs of GitLab, cloud services and scaleway More time for my pro bono projects like and Implementation of projects proposed by supporters Buy back MDYS from market Services you might get through a direct donation Migration of TYPO3 projects to fully CI / CD at GitLab Migration of composer based PHP projects to fully CI / CD at GitLab It doesn't cost anything to ask. You could reach me in the Discord: mieserfettsack#5804 All of my projects are on GitLab. Here you can find an overview: kthxbye!

Creado el:
18 Sep 2020
Ordenes activas:
1 773 416.0000
Período de liberación:
0 año(s)
Cuota por hora:
Ya liberado:
10 000 000.0000
En la billetera del exchange:
2 862 551.6584
4 900 000.0000
Vendido en el mercado:
2 237 448.3416
No liberados aún:
Volumen de compras directas:
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