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This project is community driven and owned and will function non-profit. As a market maker ZadeShare International will continue to build growth and development into the long-term value and usage for Click token. Liquidity will be provided as market stabilizes and upon release of major development updates will be updated in posts. Exclusive posts will be for longterm HODLers.

crée le:
05 Oct 2020
Ordres actifs
1 915.0000
Période de libération:
2 année(s)
Paiement horaire:
Déjà déployé
9 999 136.4806
Portefeuille sur l'échangeur:
2 414 537.0807
Vendu sur le marché:
19 394.4057
Pas encore libéré:
Volume d'achat direct:
Latest News
00:10:46 20 Oct, 2023

A click is the most valuable action in the entire internet. CLICK token is digital exchange format CLICK = click through rate increase% Traffic is value, popularity is an illusion, yet this illusion is all people see, thus it is real. The problem is gaining organic traffic and popularity is very hard. CLICK token will foward to aid any creators trying to get spotlight for their hard work. Collect your tokens they will be rare soon and hot! 3 New projects are coming and they will include CLICK token!

23:03:51 21 Mar, 2023

Now is best time to catch lowest price on CLICK token. This is selling developer tokens one time offer at these prices. When paying attention you deserve success.