Propuestas Lista
Delivering as promised, I have used the total amount sold in the last few days to support MaTest. Thank you all!
4 equal donations of 2378 MINTME were made to the creators of the HighPay, ECFT, Aragium and Anukis tokens. The first 3 because they were the ones who responded with a message to the post, while Anukis simply because the token is a project that is worth supporting as it contributes a lot to the development of MintMe. I would have liked to support the creator of FaithCoin because he also raised his hand, but his token apparently disappeared.
In the end 9514 MINTME were collected. Thank you very much for participating. Shortly I will make a second post to notify what donations were made. This token is likely to become a kind of crowdfunding for crowdfunding within Leave like or a comment if you think the proposal is good.