
Contract address

Propositions List

Manga Token ! Explore some new possibilities adventure and some extraordinary stories. We can sell our 🎨 🎭 works in exchange of haoma tokens . Thanks for giving your precious time that you spent here . . .

Created on:
10 May 2021
Active orders:
25 919.0000
Release period:
50 year(s)
Hourly installment:
Already released:
3 541 529.3102
Wallet on exchange:
59 478.1034
1 252 292.2867
Sold on the market:
2 065 900.9022
Not yet released:
6 458 470.6897
Direct buy volume:
Latest News
07:05:59 18 May, 2023

I did volunteered for "CrocXoVersE" token to be part of one more partner token. Looks innovative 🤔 and it is live now ! I am working on the similar concept but instead of staking, i am more focused on burning haoma tokens and to let you and me have a fresh start with some more and major possibilities. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1108253528696299652/1108500904832933968/image.png Thank you Guys, for all the support that you gave me in this whole journey.